Movement Research Performance Journal
Issue #54, July 2020
Editor-in-Chief: Moriah Evans
Managing Editor: John Arthur Peetz
Issue Editor: Alan Ruiz
Assistant Editor: Emily Bartsch
Movement Research
New York, USA
Volume 23, Issue 6 – On Generosity
Edited by Laurie Beth Clark & Michael Peterson
Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group
UK, 2018
ISSN: 1352-8165 (2018) 23:6
Since its inception in 1990, the Performance Journal has fostered the evolution of written and graphic languages that contemplate current issues of dance and performance. Created by and for artists via a magazine format, the Performance Journal provides a unique forum for critical rigor and a multi-disciplinary readership. Writings are specifically linked to events, artists, trends, and ideas associated with the current and upcoming performance season in New York, across the country, and abroad. The Performance Journal focuses on artists' of-the-moment concerns, with past topics including gender, environments, identity, technology, activism, dance writing and, most recently, explorations of the ways in which contemporary dance negotiates with the larger cultural landscape. (Source:
For Performance Journal #54 Cristiane Bouger wrote about the creation process of her performance Unbeer Sonata (pages 48–49).
On Generosity offers critical examinations of the ethics and practices of generosity, as well as generosity’s inherent performativity. Without recourse to a naïve faith in its potential, but also without devolving into cynicism about its limits, this volume takes a fresh look at how generosity appears in performance and how generosity is performed. Contributors analyse practices and discourses of generosity in political and economic interventions, in everyday life, in social practice art and as represented in theatrical performances. Generosity is considered as a performative relation, and the volume includes enquiries into the generosity and generativity that may lie at the heart of performance itself. This is amplified in a special showcase section, ‘Cabinet of Generosities’, which proliferates examples of performance works that engage generosity as practice and as theme.
Displacement Pills – Este regalo Es Tuyo, by Cristiane Bouger, is featured in the showcase section ‘Cabinet of Generosities’, pages 100–101.
Emergency INDEX: An Annual Document of Performance Practice – Vol. 7
Edited by Yelena Gluzman and Sophia Cleary
Trade Paperback
Perfect-bound. 560 pages
Ugly Duckling Presse
New York, USA
ISBN: 978-1-946433-21-3
Inhumas, Year 5, Issue 18, July 2017
Edited by Da Mata and Tales Frey
Brazil, 2017
ISSN 2316-8102
Emergency INDEX is an annual print publication documenting performances that occurred in one calendar year. Begun in 2011, INDEX was conceived as a "state of the field" publication that could present a year-to-year view of the issues, techniques, and challenges that performance makers dealt with in the work they actualized. Every year since then, INDEX has published hundreds of documents of performances made in various genres and media, for different audiences and purposes, and in a wide variety of venues, cities, and countries. Each annual volume includes three back-of-the-book indexes: an index of terms, an index of places, and an index of contributors. Taking as its starting point actual performances described by the artists who made them, INDEX proposes building your performance theory from the ground up.
The performance Unbeer Sonata – Study Nº 2, by Cristiane Bouger, is documented on pages 72–73.
Cristiane Bouger wrote about Unbeer Sonata – Study Nº 2 for Performatus, issue 18.
Emergency INDEX: An Annual Document of Performance Practice – Vol. 4
Edited by Yelena Gluzman, Sophia Cleary,
and Katie Gaydos
Trade Paperback
Perfect-bound. 448 pages
Ugly Duckling Presse
New York, USA
Edited by Newton Goto
Arte e Patrimônio 2007
Curitiba, Brazil
Emergency INDEX is an annual print publication documenting performances that occurred in one calendar year. Begun in 2011, INDEX was conceived as a "state of the field" publication that could present a year-to-year view of the issues, techniques, and challenges that performance makers dealt with in the work they actualized. Every year since then, INDEX has published hundreds of documents of performances made in various genres and media, for different audiences and purposes, and in a wide variety of venues, cities, and countries. Each annual volume includes three back-of-the-book indexes: an index of terms, an index of places, and an index of contributors. Taking as its starting point actual performances described by the artists who made them, INDEX proposes building your performance theory from the ground up.
The performance study On The Process—Phloem (Study on Hilst), by Cristiane Bouger, is documented on pages 366–367.
Circuitos Compartilhados [Shared Circuits] is a intergenerational collective archive of the Brazilian video production curated by Newton Goto. The archive is focused on the art production of a wide range of practices related to art collectives, cultural activism, collaborative actions in art, alternative/independent venues. Rare and original works are part of the archive.
Circuitos Compartilhados Archives features the following artists, art collectives, and collective art actions: Paulo Bruscky; Cildo Meireles / Wilson Coutinho; ArtShow / Sensibilizar / Sérgio Moura; Nervo Óptico; Anos 80 no Recife; ASSINTÃO / Hélio Leites; Torreão; NBP + EuVocê / Ricardo Basbaum; GPCI – Grupo de Pesquisa Corpos Informáticos; CEP 20.000; Areal & Arena; Perdidos no Espaço; CEIA – Centro de Experimentação e Informação em Arte; Maurício Dias & Walter Riedweg / Fabiana Werneck / Marco del Fiol / VideoBrasil; Desligare; Comunidade, Ativismo e a Cena Downtown – um documentário independente sobre a cena experimental de Nova York; Arte de Portas Abertas / Chave Mestra; Catadores de histórias; Cia Cachorra; Frente 3 de Fevereiro; Guilherme Vaz; Ideário; Paredes Pinturas: Mônica Nador & Lumila Ferolla; Projeto Matilha; Revelando Olhares dos Moradores da Ilha do Mel; Martha Niklaus; Ricardo E. Machado; Menossão; Alexandre Vogler; Aparelho; A Revolução Não Será Televisionada; Atrocidades Maravilhosas; Bijari; InterluxArteLivre; noninoninono; PhP; Ystlingue; Orquestra Organismo; FVCB – Fundação Vera Chaves Barcellos; Obra Aberta; O Palhaço Leigo; Super Loja Show; ACT; Clóvis Dariano; Cristo Vermelho – Ducha / Frã / Laura Lima; EIA – Experiência Imersiva Ambiental; E/Ou; Fundação do Museu do Poste; Laura Miranda e Denise Bandeira; Luís Andrade; Goto; GIA – Grupo de Interferência Ambiental; Grupo Entorno; Grupo Laranjas; Grupo P.O.I.S.; Grupo Poro; Grupo Rradial; Grupo Urucum; Jarbas Lopes; Márcio Almeida; Rés do Chão; Ronald Duarte; Rosana Ricalde e Felipe Barbosa; Rubens Mano; spmb (Eduardo Aquino & Karen Shanski); TCAS – Giordani Maia; Teatro Monótono; Carlos Henrique Túllio, Vera Chaves Barcellos; Acervo Casa Hoffmann; Ações Coletivas / Rubens Pileggi; Dia do Nada; Cabelo & Jarbas Lopes / Dado Amaral e Beto Valente; Cristiane Bouger; Couve-flor – mini-comunidade artística mundial; Cuquinha; GIRA; Grupo EmpreZa; Luciana Costa; Marssares; O Mergulho; Polavra; Bicicletada; Telephone Colorido; Wagner Malta Tavares; Zaratruta; Política do Dissenso.
Casa Hoffmann’s E-Magazine
Edited by Andrea Lerner, Beto Lanza, Cristiane Bouger,
Edson Bueno, and Rosane Chamecki
Fundação Cultural de Curitiba – FCC
Curitiba, Brazil
December 2004
Year 2, Issue 4
Edited by Marcelo Miguel and Luciano Lacerda
Editora Quixote Ltda
34 pages
Curitiba, Brazil
Relâche – Casa Hoffmann’s e-Magazine was conceived as a publication focused on the reflection of the dance and performance practices developed by the artists and art residents of Casa Hoffmann – International Center for Movement Studies, in Curitiba, Brazil.
For Relâche, Cristiane Bouger conducted interviews with La Ribot, David Zambrano, Sarah Michelson, Michel Groisman, Roberto Pereira, Thomas Plishcke and Kattrin Deufert, Lia Rodrigues, Leonel Brum, and Eleonora Fabião.
Bouger’s article "Community X Self-Destruction – Challenge and Resistance" is also featured in the magazine, along with articles from artists and researchers that attended Casa Hoffmann’s art residencies and workshops, including Dayana Zdebsky, Gladis Tridapali, Michelle Moura, and Olga Nenevê.
Relâche magazine was made possible with funds by Fundação Cultural de Curitiba – FCC [Curitiba Cultural Foundation] and Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba [Curitiba City Hall].
Revista Quixote was a trimestral publication on performing arts and culture in the state of Paraná.
The issue 4 features Cristiane Bouger’s text on her evening-length original play, The Last Supper – a theatrical experiment, on page 34.
Since its inception in 1990, the Performance Journal has fostered the evolution of written and graphic languages that contemplate current issues of dance and performance. Created by and for artists via a magazine format, the Performance Journal provides a unique forum for critical rigor and a multi-disciplinary readership. Writings are specifically linked to events, artists, trends, and ideas associated with the current and upcoming performance season in New York, across the country, and abroad. The Performance Journal focuses on artists' of-the-moment concerns, with past topics including gender, environments, identity, technology, activism, dance writing and, most recently, explorations of the ways in which contemporary dance negotiates with the larger cultural landscape. (Source:
For Performance Journal #54 Cristiane Bouger wrote about the creation process of her performance Unbeer Sonata (pages 48–49).
On Generosity offers critical examinations
of the ethics and practices of generosity, as well as generosity’s inherent performativity. Without recourse to a naïve faith in its potential, but also without devolving into cynicism about its limits, this volume takes a fresh look at how generosity appears in performance and how generosity is performed. Contributors analyse practices and discourses of generosity in political and economic interventions, in everyday life, in social practice art and as represented in theatrical performances. Generosity is considered as a performative relation, and the volume includes enquiries into the generosity and generativity that may lie at the heart of performance itself. This is amplified in a special showcase section, ‘Cabinet of Generosities’, which proliferates examples of performance works that engage generosity as practice and as theme.
Displacement Pills – Este regalo Es Tuyo, by Cristiane Bouger, is featured in the showcase section ‘Cabinet of Generosities’, pages 100–101.
Emergency INDEX is an annual print publication documenting performances that occurred in one calendar year. Begun in 2011, INDEX was conceived as a "state of the field" publication that could present a year-to-year view of the issues, techniques, and challenges that performance makers dealt with in the work they actualized. Every year since then, INDEX has published hundreds of documents of performances made in various genres and media, for different audiences and purposes, and in a wide variety of venues, cities, and countries. Each annual volume includes three back-of-the-book indexes: an index of terms, an index of places, and an index of contributors. Taking as its starting point actual performances described by the artists who made them, INDEX proposes building your performance theory from the ground up.
The performance Unbeer Sonata – Study Nº 2, by Cristiane Bouger, is documented on pages 72–73.
Cristiane Bouger wrote about Unbeer Sonata – Study Nº 2 for Performatus, issue 18.
Emergency INDEX is an annual print publication documenting performances that occurred in one calendar year. Begun in 2011, INDEX was conceived as a "state of the field" publication that could present a year-to-year view of the issues, techniques, and challenges that performance makers dealt with in the work they actualized. Every year since then, INDEX has published hundreds of documents of performances made in various genres and media, for different audiences and purposes, and in a wide variety of venues, cities, and countries. Each annual volume includes three back-of-the-book indexes: an index of terms, an index of places, and an index of contributors. Taking as its starting point actual performances described by the artists who made them, INDEX proposes building your performance theory from the ground up.
The performance study On The Process—Phloem (Study on Hilst), by Cristiane Bouger, is documented on pages 366–367.
Circuitos Compartilhados [Shared Circuits] is a intergenerational collective archive of the Brazilian video production curated by Newton Goto. The archive is focused on the art production of a wide range of practices related to art collectives, cultural activism, collaborative actions in art, alternative/independent venues. Rare and original works are part of the archive.
Circuitos Compartilhados Archives features the following artists, art collectives, and collective art actions: Paulo Bruscky; Cildo Meireles / Wilson Coutinho; ArtShow / Sensibilizar / Sérgio Moura; Nervo Óptico; Anos 80 no Recife; ASSINTÃO / Hélio Leites; Torreão; NBP + EuVocê / Ricardo Basbaum; GPCI – Grupo de Pesquisa Corpos Informáticos; CEP 20.000; Areal & Arena; Perdidos no Espaço; CEIA – Centro de Experimentação e Informação em Arte; Maurício Dias & Walter Riedweg / Fabiana Werneck / Marco del Fiol / VideoBrasil; Desligare; Comunidade, Ativismo e a Cena Downtown – um documentário independente sobre a cena experimental de Nova York; Arte de Portas Abertas / Chave Mestra; Catadores
de histórias; Cia Cachorra; Frente 3 de Fevereiro; Guilherme Vaz; Ideário; Paredes Pinturas: Mônica Nador & Lumila Ferolla; Projeto Matilha; Revelando Olhares dos Moradores da Ilha do Mel; Martha Niklaus; Ricardo E. Machado; Menossão; Alexandre Vogler; Aparelho; A Revolução Não Será Televisionada; Atrocidades Maravilhosas; Bijari; InterluxArteLivre; noninoninono; PhP; Ystlingue; Orquestra Organismo; FVCB – Fundação Vera Chaves Barcellos; Obra Aberta; O Palhaço Leigo; Super Loja Show; ACT; Clóvis Dariano; Cristo Vermelho – Ducha / Frã / Laura Lima; EIA – Experiência Imersiva Ambiental; E/Ou; Fundação do Museu do Poste; Laura Miranda e Denise Bandeira; Luís Andrade; Goto; GIA – Grupo de Interferência Ambiental; Grupo Entorno; Grupo Laranjas; Grupo P.O.I.S.; Grupo Poro; Grupo Rradial; Grupo Urucum; Jarbas Lopes; Márcio Almeida; Rés do Chão; Ronald Duarte; Rosana Ricalde e Felipe Barbosa; Rubens Mano; spmb (Eduardo Aquino & Karen Shanski); TCAS – Giordani Maia; Teatro Monótono; Carlos Henrique Túllio, Vera Chaves Barcellos; Acervo Casa Hoffmann; Ações Coletivas / Rubens Pileggi; Dia do Nada; Cabelo & Jarbas Lopes / Dado Amaral e Beto Valente; Cristiane Bouger; Couve-flor – mini-comunidade artística mundial; Cuquinha; GIRA; Grupo EmpreZa; Luciana Costa; Marssares; O Mergulho; Polavra; Bicicletada; Telephone Colorido; Wagner Malta Tavares; Zaratruta; Política do Dissenso.
Relâche – Casa Hoffmann’s e-Magazine was conceived as a publication focused on
the reflection of the dance and performance practices developed by the artists and art residents of Casa Hoffmann – International Center for Movement Studies, in Curitiba, Brazil.
For Relâche, Cristiane Bouger conducted interviews with La Ribot, David Zambrano, Sarah Michelson, Michel Groisman, Roberto Pereira, Thomas Plishcke and Kattrin Deufert, Lia Rodrigues, Leonel Brum, and Eleonora Fabião.
Bouger’s article Community X Self-Destruction – Challenge and Resistance is also featured in the magazine, along with articles from artists and researchers that attended Casa Hoffmann’s art residencies and workshops, including Dayana Zdebsky, Gladis Tridapali, Michelle Moura, and Olga Nenevê.
Relâche magazine was made possible with funds by Fundação Cultural de Curitiba – FCC [Curitiba Cultural Foundation] and Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba [Curitiba City Hall].
Revista Quixote was a trimestral publication on performing arts and culture in the state of Paraná.
The issue 4 features Cristiane Bouger’s text on her evening-length original play,
The Last Supper – a theatrical experiment, on page 34.
Since its inception in 1990, the Performance Journal has fostered the evolution of written and graphic languages that contemplate current issues of dance and performance. Created by and for artists via a magazine format, the Performance Journal provides a unique forum for critical rigor and a multi-disciplinary readership. Writings are specifically linked to events, artists, trends, and ideas associated with the current and upcoming performance season in New York, across the country, and abroad. The Performance Journal focuses on artists' of-the-moment concerns, with past topics including gender, environments, identity, technology, activism, dance writing and, most recently, explorations of the ways in which contemporary dance negotiates with the larger cultural landscape. (Source:
For Performance Journal #54 Cristiane Bouger wrote about the creation process of her performance Unbeer Sonata (pages 48–49).
On Generosity offers critical examinations of the ethics and practices of generosity, as well as generosity’s inherent performativity. Without recourse to a naïve faith in its potential,
but also without devolving into cynicism about its limits, this volume takes a fresh look at how generosity appears in performance and how generosity is performed. Contributors analyse practices and discourses of generosity in political and economic interventions, in everyday life, in social practice art and as represented in theatrical performances. Generosity is considered as a performative relation, and the volume includes enquiries into the generosity and generativity that may lie at the heart of performance itself. This is amplified in a special showcase section, ‘Cabinet of Generosities’, which proliferates examples of performance works that engage generosity as practice and as theme.
Displacement Pills – Este regalo Es Tuyo, by Cristiane Bouger,
is featured in the showcase section ‘Cabinet of Generosities’, pages 100–101.
Emergency INDEX is an annual print publication documenting performances that occurred in one calendar year. Begun in 2011, INDEX was conceived as a "state of the field" publication that could present a year-to-year view of the issues, techniques, and challenges that performance makers dealt with in the work they actualized. Every year since then, INDEX has published hundreds of documents of performances made in various genres and media, for different audiences and purposes, and in a wide variety of venues, cities, and countries. Each annual volume includes three back-of-the-book indexes: an index of terms, an index of places, and an index of contributors. Taking as its starting point actual performances described by the artists who made them, INDEX proposes building your performance theory from the ground up.
The performance Unbeer Sonata – Study Nº 2, by Cristiane Bouger, is documented on pages 72–73.
Cristiane Bouger wrote about Unbeer Sonata – Study Nº 2 for Performatus, issue 18.
Emergency INDEX is an annual print publication documenting performances that occurred in one calendar year. Begun in 2011, INDEX was conceived as a "state of the field" publication that could present a year-to-year view of the issues, techniques, and challenges that performance makers dealt with in the work they actualized. Every year since then, INDEX has published hundreds of documents of performances made in various genres and media, for different audiences and purposes, and in a wide variety of venues, cities, and countries. Each annual volume includes three back-of-the-book indexes: an index of terms, an index of places, and an index of contributors. Taking as its starting point actual performances described by the artists who made them, INDEX proposes building your performance theory from the ground up.
The performance study On The Process—Phloem (Study on Hilst), by Cristiane Bouger, is documented on pages 366–367.
Circuitos Compartilhados [Shared Circuits] is a intergenerational collective archive of the Brazilian video production curated by Newton Goto. The archive is focused on the art production of a wide range of practices related to art collectives, cultural activism, collaborative actions in art, alternative/independent venues. Rare and original works are part of the archive.
Circuitos Compartilhados Archives features the following artists, art collectives, and collective art actions: Paulo Bruscky; Cildo Meireles / Wilson Coutinho; ArtShow / Sensibilizar / Sérgio Moura; Nervo Óptico; Anos 80 no Recife; ASSINTÃO / Hélio Leites; Torreão; NBP + EuVocê / Ricardo Basbaum; GPCI – Grupo de Pesquisa Corpos Informáticos; CEP 20.000; Areal & Arena; Perdidos no Espaço; CEIA – Centro de Experimentação e Informação em Arte; Maurício Dias & Walter Riedweg / Fabiana Werneck / Marco del Fiol / VideoBrasil; Desligare; Comunidade, Ativismo e a Cena Downtown – um documentário independente sobre a cena experimental de Nova York; Arte de Portas Abertas / Chave Mestra; Catadores de histórias; Cia Cachorra; Frente 3 de Fevereiro; Guilherme Vaz; Ideário; Paredes Pinturas: Mônica Nador & Lumila Ferolla; Projeto Matilha; Revelando Olhares dos Moradores da Ilha do Mel; Martha Niklaus; Ricardo E. Machado; Menossão; Alexandre Vogler; Aparelho; A Revolução Não Será Televisionada; Atrocidades Maravilhosas; Bijari; InterluxArteLivre; noninoninono; PhP; Ystlingue; Orquestra Organismo; FVCB – Fundação Vera Chaves Barcellos; Obra Aberta; O Palhaço Leigo; Super Loja Show; ACT; Clóvis Dariano; Cristo Vermelho – Ducha / Frã / Laura Lima; EIA – Experiência Imersiva Ambiental; E/Ou; Fundação do Museu do Poste; Laura Miranda e Denise Bandeira; Luís Andrade; Goto; GIA – Grupo de Interferência Ambiental; Grupo Entorno; Grupo Laranjas; Grupo P.O.I.S.; Grupo Poro; Grupo Rradial; Grupo Urucum; Jarbas Lopes; Márcio Almeida; Rés do Chão; Ronald Duarte; Rosana Ricalde e Felipe Barbosa; Rubens Mano; spmb (Eduardo Aquino & Karen Shanski); TCAS – Giordani Maia; Teatro Monótono; Carlos Henrique Túllio, Vera Chaves Barcellos; Acervo Casa Hoffmann; Ações Coletivas / Rubens Pileggi; Dia do Nada; Cabelo & Jarbas Lopes / Dado Amaral e Beto Valente; Cristiane Bouger; Couve-flor – mini-comunidade artística mundial; Cuquinha; GIRA; Grupo EmpreZa; Luciana Costa; Marssares; O Mergulho; Polavra; Bicicletada; Telephone Colorido; Wagner Malta Tavares; Zaratruta; Política do Dissenso.
Relâche – Casa Hoffmann’s e-Magazine was conceived as a publication focused on the reflection of the dance and performance practices developed by the artists and art residents of Casa Hoffmann – International Center for Movement Studies, in Curitiba, Brazil.
For Relâche, Cristiane Bouger conducted interviews with La Ribot, David Zambrano, Sarah Michelson, Michel Groisman, Roberto Pereira, Thomas Plishcke and Kattrin Deufert, Lia Rodrigues, Leonel Brum, and Eleonora Fabião.
Bouger’s article Community X Self-Destruction – Challenge and Resistance is also featured in the magazine, along with articles from artists and researchers that attended Casa Hoffmann’s art residencies and workshops, including Dayana Zdebsky, Gladis Tridapali, Michelle Moura, and Olga Nenevê.
Relâche magazine was made possible with funds by Fundação Cultural de Curitiba – FCC [Curitiba Cultural Foundation] and Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba [Curitiba City Hall].
Revista Quixote was a trimestral publication on performing arts and culture in the state of Paraná.
The issue 4 features Cristiane Bouger’s text on her evening-length original play, The Last Supper – a theatrical experiment, on page 34.
Since its inception in 1990, the Performance Journal has fostered the evolution of written and graphic languages that contemplate current issues of dance and performance. Created by and for artists via a magazine format, the Performance Journal provides a unique forum for critical rigor and a multi-disciplinary readership. Writings are specifically linked to events, artists, trends, and ideas associated with the current and upcoming performance season in New York, across the country, and abroad. The Performance Journal focuses on artists' of-the-moment concerns, with past topics including gender, environments, identity, technology, activism, dance writing and, most recently, explorations of the ways in which contemporary dance negotiates with the larger cultural landscape. (Source:
For Performance Journal #54 Cristiane Bouger wrote about the creation process of her performance Unbeer Sonata (pages 48–49).
On Generosity offers critical examinations
of the ethics and practices of generosity, as well as generosity’s inherent performativity. Without recourse to a naïve faith in its potential, but also without devolving into cynicism about its limits, this volume takes a fresh look at how generosity appears in performance and how generosity is performed. Contributors analyse practices and discourses of generosity in political and economic interventions, in everyday life, in social practice art and as represented in theatrical performances. Generosity is considered as a performative relation, and the volume includes enquiries into the generosity and generativity that may lie at the heart of performance itself. This is amplified in a special showcase section, ‘Cabinet of Generosities’, which proliferates examples of performance works that engage generosity as practice and as theme.
Displacement Pills – Este regalo Es Tuyo,
by Cristiane Bouger, is featured in the showcase section ‘Cabinet of Generosities’, pages 100–101.
Emergency INDEX is an annual print publication documenting performances that occurred in one calendar year. Begun in 2011, INDEX was conceived as a "state of the field" publication that could present a year-to-year view of the issues, techniques, and challenges that performance makers dealt with in the work they actualized. Every year since then, INDEX has published hundreds of documents of performances made in various genres and media, for different audiences and purposes, and in a wide variety of venues, cities, and countries. Each annual volume includes three back-of-the-book indexes: an index of terms, an index of places, and an index of contributors. Taking as its starting point actual performances described by the artists who made them, INDEX proposes building your performance theory from the ground up.
The performance Unbeer Sonata – Study Nº 2, by Cristiane Bouger, is documented on pages 72–73.
Cristiane Bouger wrote about Unbeer Sonata – Study Nº 2 for Performatus, issue 18.
Emergency INDEX is an annual print publication documenting performances that occurred in one calendar year. Begun in 2011, INDEX was conceived as a "state of the field" publication that could present a year-to-year view of the issues, techniques, and challenges that performance makers dealt with in the work they actualized. Every year since then, INDEX has published hundreds of documents of performances made in various genres and media, for different audiences and purposes, and in a wide variety of venues, cities, and countries. Each annual volume includes three back-of-the-book indexes: an index of terms, an index
of places, and an index of contributors. Taking as its starting point actual performances described by the artists who made them, INDEX proposes building your performance theory from the ground up.
The performance study On The Process—Phloem (Study on Hilst), by Cristiane Bouger, is documented on pages 366–367.
Circuitos Compartilhados [Shared Circuits] is a intergenerational collective archive of the Brazilian video production curated by Newton Goto. The archive is focused on the art production of a wide range of practices related to art collectives, cultural activism, collaborative actions in art, alternative/independent venues. Rare and original works are part of the archive.
Circuitos Compartilhados Archives features the following artists, art collectives, and collective art actions: Paulo Bruscky; Cildo Meireles / Wilson Coutinho; ArtShow / Sensibilizar / Sérgio Moura; Nervo Óptico; Anos 80 no Recife; ASSINTÃO / Hélio Leites; Torreão; NBP + EuVocê / Ricardo Basbaum; GPCI – Grupo de Pesquisa Corpos Informáticos; CEP 20.000; Areal & Arena; Perdidos no Espaço; CEIA – Centro de Experimentação
e Informação em Arte; Maurício Dias & Walter Riedweg / Fabiana Werneck / Marco del Fiol / VideoBrasil; Desligare; Comunidade, Ativismo
e a Cena Downtown – um documentário independente sobre a cena experimental
de Nova York; Arte de Portas Abertas / Chave Mestra; Catadores de histórias; Cia Cachorra; Frente 3 de Fevereiro; Guilherme Vaz; Ideário; Paredes Pinturas: Mônica Nador & Lumila Ferolla; Projeto Matilha; Revelando Olhares dos Moradores da Ilha do Mel; Martha Niklaus; Ricardo E. Machado; Menossão; Alexandre Vogler; Aparelho;
A Revolução Não Será Televisionada; Atrocidades Maravilhosas; Bijari; InterluxArteLivre; noninoninono; PhP; Ystlingue; Orquestra Organismo; FVCB – Fundação Vera Chaves Barcellos; Obra Aberta; O Palhaço Leigo; Super
Loja Show; ACT; Clóvis Dariano; Cristo Vermelho – Ducha / Frã / Laura Lima; EIA – Experiência Imersiva Ambiental; E/Ou; Fundação do Museu
do Poste; Laura Miranda e Denise Bandeira; Luís Andrade; Goto; GIA – Grupo de Interferência Ambiental; Grupo Entorno; Grupo Laranjas; Grupo P.O.I.S.; Grupo Poro; Grupo Rradial; Grupo Urucum; Jarbas Lopes; Márcio Almeida; Rés do Chão; Ronald Duarte; Rosana Ricalde e Felipe Barbosa; Rubens Mano; spmb (Eduardo Aquino
& Karen Shanski); TCAS – Giordani Maia; Teatro Monótono; Carlos Henrique Túllio, Vera Chaves Barcellos; Acervo Casa Hoffmann; Ações Coletivas / Rubens Pileggi; Dia do Nada; Cabelo & Jarbas Lopes / Dado Amaral e Beto Valente; Cristiane Bouger; Couve-flor – mini-comunidade artística mundial; Cuquinha; GIRA; Grupo EmpreZa; Luciana Costa; Marssares; O Mergulho; Polavra; Bicicletada; Telephone Colorido; Wagner Malta Tavares; Zaratruta; Política do Dissenso.
Relâche – Casa Hoffmann’s e-Magazine was conceived as a publication focused on the reflection of the dance and performance practices developed by the artists and art residents of Casa Hoffmann – International Center for Movement Studies, in Curitiba, Brazil.
For Relâche, Cristiane Bouger conducted interviews with La Ribot, David Zambrano, Sarah Michelson, Michel Groisman, Roberto Pereira, Thomas Plishcke and Kattrin Deufert, Lia Rodrigues,
Leonel Brum, and Eleonora Fabião.
Bouger’s article Community X Self-Destruction – Challenge and Resistance is also featured in the magazine, along with articles from artists and researchers that attended Casa Hoffmann’s art residencies and workshops, including Dayana Zdebsky, Gladis Tridapali, Michelle Moura, and Olga Nenevê.
Relâche magazine was made possible with funds
by Fundação Cultural de Curitiba – FCC [Curitiba Cultural Foundation] and Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba [Curitiba City Hall].
Revista Quixote was a trimestral publication on performing arts and culture in the state of Paraná.
The issue 4 features Cristiane Bouger’s text on her evening-length original play, The Last Supper –
a theatrical experiment, on page 34.