“I position myself as an artist and writer whose practice also contemplates critical thinking in the art field. By reflecting upon other artists’ work, I make room to carefully observe how dance and performance are evoking the genealogy of their respective experimental traditions, while filtering a wide spectrum of events, methods, and strategies to keep being relevant and in dialogue with the culture of our times.”— Cristiane Bouger
Cristiane Bouger (b. Curitiba/Brazil) is a New York-based artist and writer who works in the intersection of performance, video, theater, poetry, and critical writing. She has been developing her critical writing production with focus on performance and contemporary dance since 2003. Bouger is the co-founder of Umwelt Studio, in Brooklyn/New York, where she has been concurrently developing her art and writing production since 2018.
Cristiane Bouger’s critical writing production has been published in books, newspapers, journals, and magazines in the USA, UK, Portugal, and Brazil with articles and essays published by Performa Publications, American Realness Festival, The International Journal of Screendance/The Ohio State University Libraries, Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group, The Live Art Development Agency – LADA/Oberon Books, and Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia – EDUFBA [Bahia Federal University Press], among several other publishers.
She was the guest editor for the magazine Abrigo Portátil, Issue #5 (Editora Medusa, Curitiba, 2016); a collaborating writer and contributing editor for the Movement Research Performance Journal (2006–2013); a collaborating writer for Critical Correspondence (2008–2010) and for the biennial Performa 09 (2009–2010); a guest writer for Movement Research Moving Dialogue New York/Bucharest Exchange in the USA and Romania (2010–2011); an editor and member of the publishing council of Relâche – Casa Hoffmann’s eMagazine (Curitiba/Brazil, 2003–2004).
Cristiane Bouger was a 2012–2013 Performa Magazine Writer-in-Residence, and the recipient of two writing commissions in Brazil, with funds provided by Idança/Petrobrás with the support of Prince Claus Fund (Netherlands, 2011), and by dança em foco – Video and Dance International Festival (2012).
In 2016 she translated the score for vocal performance Unwording Chimaera, by Lynn Book (VoiceLab Founder/Wake Forest University, USA), which was published in Abrigo Portátil (Editora Medusa).
In the same year, her translation of the essay “Brazilian Videodance: A Possible Mapping”, by Ph.D. Professor Leonel Brum (Ceará Federal University), was published in The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies, by the Oxford University Press. The book, edited by Douglas Rosenberg, was the recipient of the Oscar G. Brockett Book Prize 2018 from The Dance Studies Association, in the category Dance Research.
Photography by Roger Regner (Brooklyn, NY, 2017)
Creative Writing
Cristiane Bouger’s short fiction O Espaço Negativo [The Negative Space] was published in the Brazilian literary journal Rascunho (Editora Letras & Livros, 2017). Her poetry work was featured in the literary magazines 7faces (2018) and Bólide (Editora Medusa, 2014), and in the anthology Fantasma Civil, published as part of the Twentieth Curitiba International Biennial – Literature Program (Editora Medusa, Brazil, 2013). Her poetry work was presented in public readings in Brazil, as part of the event Curitiba Urge/Curitiba Mostra during the Curitiba Theater Festival (2017), at Instituto Hilda Hilst – IHH (Campinas, 2014); and in New York, as part of Bushwick Open Studios (2015), and at the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA (2014).
In 2009, Cristiane Bouger was the recipient of the Poetry Prize from the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA, announced during the Portuguese-speaking event Women Writers Congress, in New York.
Cristiane Bouger has presented lectures and joined panels as part of LIVE ART! Up Close and Digital, curated and organized by transmedia artist and Teaching Professor Lynn Book, for the Theater and Dance Department at Wake Forest University (North Carolina/USA); @StudioVirtual Casa Hoffmann, organized by Carmen Jorge (Curitiba, Brazil); in lectures organized by Teaching Professor Cristiane dos Santos Souza for the Theater Production Department at Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR and for the Performance Studies Group at UNESPAR/FAP (Curitiba, Brazil); and organized along with Teaching Professor Amabilis de Jesus for the Department of Performing Arts at TELAB – UNESPAR/FAP (Curitiba, Brazil); as part of Encontro de Escritores Brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, organized by Nereide Santa Rosa, at Consulado Geral do Brasil (New York, USA); at Victor Meirelles Museum/ Espaço Contemporão, organized by Yiftah Peled (Florianópolis, Brazil); as a panelist for Movement Research Studies Project at the Romanian Cultural Institute (New York, USA); as part of In-Presentable Festival, curated by Juan Dominguez (Madrid, Spain); as part of Rede Nacional Artes Visuais – FUNARTE, curated by Newton Goto during the Antonina Winter Festival (Antonina, Brazil); as part of encontrosnecessários, organized by Nena Inoue at Espaço Cênico (Curitiba/Brazil); and at Quartas Literárias, organized by Liza Papi, at Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA (New York, USA). She conducted workshops and laboratories on Critical Writing / Critical Thinking for the art residency 20MINUTOS.MOV (Curitiba, Brazil, in 2017 and 2012); and on Video Performance at Casa Andrade Muricy Museum, as part of the event Rede Nacional Artes Visuais – FUNARTE (Curitiba, Brazil).
She was a 2012–2014 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence; a fellow of The Kitchen’s Sixth Annual Sidney Kahn Summer Institute – Visual Arts and New Media (The Kitchen/Sarah Lawrence College, New York, 2004), and an Artist-in-Residence at Casa Hoffmann – International Center for Movement Studies (Curitiba, 2003). From 2001 to 2003 she studied with the Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho at Instituto Paraná Desenvolvimento, in Curitiba, Brazil. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Arts – Theater Direction (2002), from Faculdade de Artes do Paraná (College of Arts of Paraná, current UNESPAR).
“I position myself as an artist and writer whose practice also contemplates critical thinking in the art field. By reflecting upon other artists’ work, I make room to carefully observe how dance and performance are evoking the genealogy
of their respective experimental traditions, while filtering a wide spectrum of events, methods, and strategies to keep being relevant and in dialogue with the culture of our times.”— Cristiane Bouger
Cristiane Bouger (b. Curitiba/Brazil) is a New York-based artist and writer who works in the intersection of performance, video, theater, poetry, and critical writing. She has been developing her critical writing production with focus on performance and contemporary dance since 2003. Bouger is the co-founder of Umwelt Studio, in Brooklyn/New York, where she has been concurrently developing her art and writing production since 2018.
Cristiane Bouger’s critical writing production has been published in books, newspapers, journals, and magazines in the USA, UK, Portugal, and Brazil with articles and essays published by Performa Publications, American Realness Festival, The International Journal of Screendance/The Ohio State University Libraries, Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group, The Live Art Development Agency – LADA/Oberon Books, and Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia – EDUFBA [Bahia Federal University Press], among several other publishers.
She was the guest editor for the magazine Abrigo Portátil, Issue #5 (Editora Medusa, Curitiba, 2016); a collaborating writer and contributing editor for the Movement Research Performance Journal (2006–2013); a collaborating writer for Critical Correspondence (2008–2010) and for the biennial Performa 09 (2009–2010); a guest writer for Movement Research Moving Dialogue New York/Bucharest Exchange in the USA and Romania (2010–2011); an editor and member of the publishing council of Relâche – Casa Hoffmann’s eMagazine (Curitiba/Brazil, 2003–2004).
Cristiane Bouger was a 2012–2013 Performa Magazine Writer-in-Residence, and the recipient of two writing commissions in Brazil, with funds provided by Idança/Petrobrás with the support of Prince Claus Fund (Netherlands, 2011), and by dança em foco – Video and Dance International Festival (2012).
In 2016 she translated the score for vocal performance Unwording Chimaera, by Lynn Book (VoiceLab Founder/Wake Forest University, USA), which was published in Abrigo Portátil (Editora Medusa).
In the same year, her translation of the essay “Brazilian Videodance: A Possible Mapping”, by Ph.D. Professor Leonel Brum (Ceará Federal University), was published in The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies, by the Oxford University Press. The book, edited by Douglas Rosenberg, was the recipient of the Oscar G. Brockett Book Prize 2018 from The Dance Studies Association, in the category Dance Research.
Creative Writing
Cristiane Bouger’s short fiction O Espaço Negativo [The Negative Space] was published in the Brazilian literary journal Rascunho (Editora Letras & Livros, 2017). Her poetry work was featured in the literary magazines 7faces (2018) and Bólide (Editora Medusa, 2014), and in the anthology Fantasma Civil, published as part of the Twentieth Curitiba International Biennial – Literature Program (Editora Medusa, Brazil, 2013). Her poetry work was presented in public readings in Brazil, as part of the event Curitiba Urge/Curitiba Mostra during the Curitiba Theater Festival (2017), at Instituto Hilda Hilst – IHH (Campinas, 2014); and in New York, as part of Bushwick Open Studios (2015), and at the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA (2014).
In 2009, Cristiane Bouger was the recipient of the Poetry Prize from the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA, announced during the First Women Writers Congress in New York.
Cristiane Bouger has presented lectures and joined panels as part of LIVE ART! Up Close and Digital, curated and organized by transmedia artist and Teaching Professor Lynn Book, for the Theater and Dance Department at Wake Forest University (North Carolina/USA); @StudioVirtual Casa Hoffmann, organized by Carmen Jorge (Curitiba, Brazil); in lectures organized by Teaching Professor Cristiane dos Santos Souza for the Theater Production Department at Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR and for the Performance Studies Group at UNESPAR/FAP (Curitiba, Brazil); and organized along with Teaching Professor Amabilis de Jesus for the Department of Performing Arts at TELAB – UNESPAR/FAP (Curitiba, Brazil); as part of Encontro de Escritores Brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, organized by Nereide Santa Rosa, at Consulado Geral do Brasil (New York, USA); at Victor Meirelles Museum/ Espaço Contemporão, organized by Yiftah Peled (Florianópolis, Brazil); as a panelist for Movement Research Studies Project at the Romanian Cultural Institute (New York, USA); as part of In-Presentable Festival, curated by Juan Dominguez (Madrid, Spain); as part of Rede Nacional Artes Visuais – FUNARTE, curated by Newton Goto during the Antonina Winter Festival (Antonina, Brazil); as part of encontrosnecessários, organized by Nena Inoue at Espaço Cênico (Curitiba/Brazil); and at Quartas Literárias, organized by Liza Papi, at Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA (New York, USA). She conducted workshops and laboratories on Critical Writing / Critical Thinking for the art residency 20MINUTOS.MOV (Curitiba, Brazil, in 2017 and 2012); and on Video Performance at Casa Andrade Muricy Museum, as part of the event Rede Nacional Artes Visuais – FUNARTE (Curitiba, Brazil).
She was a 2012–2014 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence; a fellow of The Kitchen’s Sixth Annual Sidney Kahn Summer Institute – Visual Arts and New Media (The Kitchen/Sarah Lawrence College, New York, 2004), and an Artist-in-Residence at Casa Hoffmann – International Center for Movement Studies (Curitiba, 2003). From 2001 to 2003 she studied with the Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho at Instituto Paraná Desenvolvimento, in Curitiba, Brazil. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Arts – Theater Direction (2002), from Faculdade de Artes do Paraná (College of Arts of Paraná, current UNESPAR).
“I position myself as an artist and writer whose practice also contemplates critical thinking in the art field. By reflecting upon other artists’ work, I make room to carefully observe how dance and performance are evoking the genealogy of their respective experimental traditions, while filtering a wide spectrum of events, methods, and strategies to keep being relevant and in dialogue with the culture of our times.”
— Cristiane Bouger
Cristiane Bouger (b. Curitiba/Brazil) is a New York-based artist and writer who works in the intersection of performance, video, theater, poetry, and critical writing. She has been developing her critical writing production with focus on performance and contemporary dance since 2003. Bouger is the co-founder of Umwelt Studio, in Brooklyn/New York, where she has been concurrently developing her art and writing production since 2018.
Cristiane Bouger’s critical writing production has been published in books, newspapers, journals, and magazines in the USA, UK, Portugal, and Brazil with articles and essays published by Performa Publications, American Realness Festival, The International Journal of Screendance/The Ohio State University Libraries, Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group, The Live Art Development Agency – LADA/Oberon Books, and Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia – EDUFBA [Bahia Federal University Press], among several other publishers.
She was the guest editor for the magazine Abrigo Portátil, Issue #5 (Editora Medusa, Curitiba, 2016); a collaborating writer and contributing editor for the Movement Research Performance Journal (2006–2013); a collaborating writer for Critical Correspondence (2008–2010) and for the biennial Performa 09 (2009–2010); a guest writer for Movement Research Moving Dialogue New York/Bucharest Exchange in the USA and Romania (2010–2011); an editor and member of the publishing council of Relâche – Casa Hoffmann’s eMagazine (Curitiba/Brazil, 2003–2004).
Cristiane Bouger was a 2012–2013 Performa Magazine Writer-in-Residence, and the recipient of two writing commissions in Brazil, with funds provided by Idança/Petrobrás with the support of Prince Claus Fund (Netherlands, 2011), and by dança em foco – Video and Dance International Festival (2012).
In 2016 she translated the score for vocal performance Unwording Chimaera, by Lynn Book (VoiceLab Founder/Wake Forest University, USA), which was published in Abrigo Portátil (Editora Medusa).
In the same year, her translation of the essay “Brazilian Videodance: A Possible Mapping”, by Ph.D. Professor Leonel Brum (Ceará Federal University), was published in The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies, by the Oxford University Press. The book, edited by Douglas Rosenberg, was the recipient of the Oscar G. Brockett Book Prize 2018 from The Dance Studies Association, in the category Dance Research.
Creative Writing
Cristiane Bouger’s short fiction O Espaço Negativo [The Negative Space] was published in the Brazilian literary journal Rascunho (Editora Letras & Livros, 2017). Her poetry work was featured in the literary magazines 7faces (2018) and Bólide (Editora Medusa, 2014), and in the anthology Fantasma Civil, published as part of the Twentieth Curitiba International Biennial – Literature Program (Editora Medusa, Brazil, 2013). Her poetry work was presented in public readings in Brazil, as part of the event Curitiba Urge/Curitiba Mostra during the Curitiba Theater Festival (2017), at Instituto Hilda Hilst – IHH (Campinas, 2014); and in New York, as part of Bushwick Open Studios (2015), and at the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA (2014).
In 2009, Cristiane Bouger was the recipient of the Poetry Prize from the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA, announced during the First Women Writers Congress in New York.
Cristiane Bouger has presented lectures and joined panels as part of LIVE ART! Up Close and Digital, curated and organized by transmedia artist and Teaching Professor Lynn Book, for the Theater and Dance Department at Wake Forest University (North Carolina/USA); @StudioVirtual Casa Hoffmann, organized by Carmen Jorge (Curitiba, Brazil); in lectures organized by Teaching Professor Cristiane dos Santos Souza for the Theater Production Department at Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR and for the Performance Studies Group at UNESPAR/FAP (Curitiba, Brazil); and organized along with Teaching Professor Amabilis de Jesus for the Department of Performing Arts at TELAB – UNESPAR/FAP (Curitiba, Brazil); as part of Encontro de Escritores Brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, organized by Nereide Santa Rosa, at Consulado Geral do Brasil (New York, USA); at Victor Meirelles Museum/ Espaço Contemporão, organized by Yiftah Peled (Florianópolis, Brazil); as a panelist for Movement Research Studies Project at the Romanian Cultural Institute (New York, USA); as part of In-Presentable Festival, curated by Juan Dominguez (Madrid, Spain); as part of Rede Nacional Artes Visuais – FUNARTE, curated by Newton Goto during the Antonina Winter Festival (Antonina, Brazil); as part of encontrosnecessários, organized by Nena Inoue at Espaço Cênico (Curitiba/Brazil); and at Quartas Literárias, organized by Liza Papi, at Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA (New York, USA). She conducted workshops and laboratories on Critical Writing / Critical Thinking for the art residency 20MINUTOS.MOV (Curitiba, Brazil, in 2017 and 2012); and on Video Performance at Casa Andrade Muricy Museum, as part of the event Rede Nacional Artes Visuais – FUNARTE (Curitiba, Brazil).
She was a 2012–2014 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence; a fellow of The Kitchen’s Sixth Annual Sidney Kahn Summer Institute – Visual Arts and New Media (The Kitchen/Sarah Lawrence College, New York, 2004), and an Artist-in-Residence at Casa Hoffmann – International Center for Movement Studies (Curitiba, 2003). From 2001 to 2003 she studied with the Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho at Instituto Paraná Desenvolvimento, in Curitiba, Brazil. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Arts – Theater Direction (2002), from Faculdade de Artes do Paraná (College of Arts of Paraná, current UNESPAR).
“I position myself as an artist and writer whose practice also contemplates critical thinking in the art field. By reflecting upon other artists’ work, I make room to carefully observe how dance and performance are evoking the genealogy of their respective experimental traditions, while filtering a wide spectrum of events, methods, and strategies to keep being relevant and in dialogue with the culture of our times.”— Cristiane Bouger
Cristiane Bouger (b. Curitiba/Brazil) is a New York-based artist and writer who works in the intersection of performance, video, theater, poetry, and critical writing. She has been developing her critical writing production with focus on performance and contemporary dance since 2003. Bouger is the co-founder of Umwelt Studio, in Brooklyn/New York, where she has been concurrently developing her art and writing production since 2018.
Cristiane Bouger’s critical writing production has been published in books, newspapers, journals, and magazines in the USA, UK, Portugal, and Brazil with articles and essays published by Performa Publications, American Realness Festival, The International Journal of Screendance/The Ohio State University Libraries, Routledge – Taylor & Francis Group, The Live Art Development Agency – LADA/Oberon Books, and Editora da Universidade Federal da Bahia – EDUFBA [Bahia Federal University Press], among several other publishers.
She was the guest editor for the magazine Abrigo Portátil, Issue #5 (Editora Medusa, Curitiba, 2016); a collaborating writer and contributing editor for the Movement Research Performance Journal (2006–2013); a collaborating writer for Critical Correspondence (2008–2010) and for the biennial Performa 09 (2009–2010); a guest writer for Movement Research Moving Dialogue New York/Bucharest Exchange in the USA and Romania (2010–2011); an editor and member of the publishing council of Relâche – Casa Hoffmann’s eMagazine (Curitiba/Brazil, 2003–2004).
Cristiane Bouger was a 2012–2013 Performa Magazine Writer-in-Residence, and the recipient of two writing commissions in Brazil, with funds provided by Idança/Petrobrás with the support of Prince Claus Fund (Netherlands, 2011), and by dança em foco – Video and Dance International Festival (2012).
In 2016 she translated the score for vocal performance Unwording Chimaera, by Lynn Book (VoiceLab Founder/Wake Forest University, USA), which was published in Abrigo Portátil (Editora Medusa).
In the same year, her translation of the essay “Brazilian Videodance: A Possible Mapping”, by Ph.D. Professor Leonel Brum (Ceará Federal University), was published in The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies, by the Oxford University Press. The book, edited by Douglas Rosenberg, was the recipient of the Oscar G. Brockett Book Prize 2018 from The Dance Studies Association, in the category Dance Research.
Creative Writing
Cristiane Bouger’s short fiction O Espaço Negativo [The Negative Space] was published in the Brazilian renown literary journal Rascunho (Editora Letras & Livros, 2017). Her poetry work was featured in the literary magazines 7faces (2018) and Bólide (Editora Medusa, 2014), and in the anthology Fantasma Civil, published as part of the Twentieth Curitiba International Biennial – Literature Program (Editora Medusa, Brazil, 2013). Her poetry work was presented in public readings in Brazil, as part of the event Curitiba Urge/Curitiba Mostra during the Curitiba Theater Festival (2017), at Instituto Hilda Hilst – IHH (Campinas, 2014); and in New York, as part of Bushwick Open Studios (2015), and at the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA (2014).
In 2009, Cristiane Bouger was the recipient of the Poetry Prize from the Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA, announced during the First Women Writers Congress in New York.
Cristiane Bouger has presented lectures and joined panels as part of LIVE ART! Up Close and Digital, curated and organized by transmedia artist and Teaching Professor Lynn Book, for the Theater and Dance Department at Wake Forest University (North Carolina/USA); @StudioVirtual Casa Hoffmann, organized by Carmen Jorge (Curitiba, Brazil); in lectures organized by Teaching Professor Cristiane dos Santos Souza for the Theater Production Department at Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPR and for the Performance Studies Group at UNESPAR/FAP (Curitiba, Brazil); and organized along with Teaching Professor Amabilis de Jesus for the Department of Performing Arts at TELAB – UNESPAR/FAP (Curitiba, Brazil); as part of Encontro de Escritores Brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, organized by Nereide Santa Rosa, at Consulado Geral do Brasil (New York, USA); at Victor Meirelles Museum/ Espaço Contemporão, organized by Yiftah Peled (Florianópolis, Brazil); as a panelist for Movement Research Studies Project at the Romanian Cultural Institute (New York, USA); as part of In-Presentable Festival, curated by Juan Dominguez (Madrid, Spain); as part of Rede Nacional Artes Visuais – FUNARTE, curated by Newton Goto during the Antonina Winter Festival (Antonina, Brazil); as part of encontrosnecessários, organized by Nena Inoue at Espaço Cênico (Curitiba/Brazil); and at Quartas Literárias, organized by Liza Papi, at Brazilian Endowment for the Arts – BEA (New York, USA). She conducted workshops and laboratories on Critical Writing / Critical Thinking for the art residency 20MINUTOS.MOV (Curitiba, Brazil, in 2017 and 2012); and on Video Performance at Casa Andrade Muricy Museum, as part of the event Rede Nacional Artes Visuais – FUNARTE (Curitiba, Brazil).
She was a 2012–2014 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence; a fellow of The Kitchen’s Sixth Annual Sidney Kahn Summer Institute – Visual Arts and New Media (The Kitchen/Sarah Lawrence College, New York, 2004), and an Artist-in-Residence at Casa Hoffmann – International Center for Movement Studies (Curitiba, 2003). From 2001 to 2003 she studied with the Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho at Instituto Paraná Desenvolvimento, in Curitiba, Brazil. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Performing Arts – Theater Direction (2002), from Faculdade de Artes do Paraná (College of Arts of Paraná, current UNESPAR).